Rapid7 > 实例探究 > Brooks 利用 Rapid7 SOAR 解决方案增强安全计划

Brooks 利用 Rapid7 SOAR 解决方案增强安全计划

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  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
  • 服装
  • 国家安全与国防
  • 篡改检测
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 网络安全服务
  • 系统集成
Brooks 是一家拥有 108 年历史的美国运动器材公司,设计和销售高性能跑鞋、服装和配饰。公司产品销往全球六十多个国家。布鲁克斯总部位于华盛顿州西雅图,是全球十大上市公司之一伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的子公司。该公司经历了快速发展,销售额在短时间内从 5 亿美元翻了一番,达到 10 亿美元,员工人数增加到近 1,800 名。
Brooks 是一家快速发展的运动器材公司,由于其扩张,面临着越来越多的安全漏洞。该公司的销售额从 5 亿美元增长到 10 亿美元,员工人数增加到 1,800 人,导致网站点击量增加、合作伙伴增多,从而导致更多安全事件、网络钓鱼电子邮件和潜在风险。尽管拥有由三名分析师组成的安全团队,该公司仍难以领先于警报。传统的手动、耗时的事件响应和漏洞管理流程无法扩展,无法应对日益增长的安全挑战。
Brooks 实施了 Rapid7 的安全编排、自动化和响应 (SOAR) 解决方案 InsightConnect,以加速其事件响应和漏洞管理流程。 InsightConnect 帮助安全团队扩展其运营,无论集成系统的数量如何。该解决方案是由 Brooks 高级安全工程师 Ryan Fried 推荐的,他曾在前一家公司使用过 Rapid7 InsightConnect。在成功证明其价值的概念验证 (POC) 后,选择了该解决方案。 InsightConnect 不仅节省了分析师的时间,还提高了他们的参与度,并通过自动执行重复性任务使他们的工作变得更加轻松。该解决方案还提供了 24/7 的覆盖范围和更快的响应时间,而无需增加人员。
  • The implementation of InsightConnect has significantly improved Brooks' security operations. The solution has increased analyst engagement and eliminated repetitive tasks, allowing the analysts to focus on more critical aspects of their jobs. It has also ensured consistency in blocking URLs, domains, or IP addresses in the right places every single time. The solution has transformed Brooks from a nine-to-five operation to a 24/7 shop, with predefined alerts for critical situations. The response times have improved, especially for potential ransomware attacks, with analysts being able to isolate the host directly from their phone. InsightConnect has also provided a library of pre-built workflows, enabling the security team to quickly build and adapt workflows as needed. The solution has helped the security team effectively deal with the company's surging growth and integrate new IT and security systems without adding complexity.
  • InsightConnect saves approximately 11 days or 88 hours of manpower each month.
  • Reduced the number of tabs analysts need to have open in their browser from 10-20 to just one or two during an incident investigation.
  • Enabled the company to become a 24/7 operation without expanding the staff.

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